Q and A
North Texas Whole Health Wellness Center
Discover Wellness for You!

Q:What is Acupuncture?
A: Acupuncture originated in China over 2,000 years ago and is one of the oldest and most commonly performed types of medical procedure. The literal meaning of acupuncture is “needle piercing”.
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Q:Does acupuncture relieve pain?
A: In a Chinese hospital, doctors first find out where pain is located. If you've been in an accident, or there are nerve-related issues, we do a physical examination to discover the nature of the problem.
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Q:What conditions does acupuncture treat?
A: Acupuncture can treat a wide range of conditions from the flu to physical injuries.
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Q:What is Chinese herbal therapy?
A: Developed over 5,000 years ago, Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM refers to a number of practices. While acupuncture is perhaps the most widely recognized area of TCM, Chinese herbal therapy actually comprises the majority of TCM.
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Q:What is NAET?
A: An innovative, natural solution for allergies and allergy-related conditions.
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Q:What is the difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling?
A: Acupuncture has been a popular therapy for years,
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